Stories from journeys

Each experience detonates a new passion

It was said that “the love of experiencing reaches a pinnacle during adolescence and decreases with age as fear increases.” It seems to me that this is indeed the general rule and this is the reigning character for most people... However, with each passing day, my passion and love for exploration are increasing, and so is my desire to acquire a greater experience and to live through more experiments until I began “examining” ever piece of information that could lead me somewhere new. Travelling and wandering, learning people’s traditions, getting to know people’s characters, walking in the villages’ alleys, and reminiscing through the camera’s memory: This is a passion of which I don’t wish to be cured.


Events are constantly renewing...


Between the lines of war

Following my return from “my trip to Yemen during the war,” and after I saw the real humanitarian disaster lived by the civilians there who are paying a hefty price with their lives, their children, their stability and their property for no understandable reason, and without any ray of hope indicating the end of the war in which they have been thrust, I thought that my journey will end upon my return. However, I came to realize that it actually started when I got back!

For this reason, I executed this special digital file that was broadcasted via smart phones. Through this file’s pages, I made sure to transmit some of the things I’ve seen with the hope they might make their broken voice heard as it says: “Stop the war.”

Your copy here

Abdulwahab Alasbahi Documentary film maker/ Documentary photographerMy regards to you, Since you entered this page, I assume that you wish to know more about me:

My name is AbdulWahab al-Asbahi from Kuwait documentary film maker. enam  a lecturer on the art of photography and video making in humanitarian settings.

I have offered a number of specialized art courses on

photography and directing  documentary and humanitarian movies.and I have traveled to many countries looking

for a story.They tell me: “It is there, by the roadside;” and so I pull my map out and set o

ff travelling from one country to the other, looking on the roadsides for: The Story.  Documentary photographer abdulwahab alasbahi